Money in a Hurry
Pressing creditors, ATO debt, urgent property settlement, need to pay for stock or equipment, or simply pay wages, perhaps a once in lifetime opportunity pops up - but you need the money within 5 days or maybe just 24 hours!!!
Your bank can't or won't come to the party - what options do you have?
There are a growing number of specialist business lenders who can assess and settle a loan of between $10,000 and $1 million within a few hours purely on the security of your business assets and cashflow, supported by your personal guarantee. There are also non - bank or private mortgage lenders who claim they can settle significant transactions within 24 hours. However, you need to exercise caution, and fully understand the costs, and penalties associated with failure to settle or proceed with the loan,
Step 1: Contact us to discuss you needs and the options / costs, timeframes and lenders guidelines as we understand them.
Step 2: We'll guide you through the application and settlement process - this may involve a two- step process.