Case Studies
Succession Planning for Director of Company
Vendor Sales Facility - Environmental
The principal of Jabiru Environmental Technologies has been a client since 1986. Jabiru imports nutritional additives, equipment and consumables (such as egg trays and cartons) for the poultry industry. Organic waste has become a major problem for both egg producers and the meat bird growers. Approximately 65% of feed becomes waste and layers have a 12 month productive period and then the birds are euthenased and replaced.
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Finance was required to buyout a retiring director from a profitable long established service industry business. The funding required a payment to the retiring director of $900,000 (for entitlements and purchase of his equity in the business), to refinance of the existing Bank facilities of $850,000 (to release the mortgage securities over the director’s homes) and additional Working Capital to assist with the expansion of the business.
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Complex Structure -Refinance with annual interest savings $90k+
Our clients own and operate a successful crash repair business. Over the years they've invested their profits into building a small but high quality real estate portfolio. They own their business premises, two quality residential properties in good suburbs and a farm.
The clients accountant had done a good job in structuring their business and investments to both legally minismise their taxation liabilities and protect their assets.
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